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Coronavirus in Poland – there are currently 782 in quarantine 44 people. This is a record not only for the fourth wave, but for the entire COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. It is about 300 thousand. more than the highest score during the previous, more tragic wave. Is this result mainly due to the mass sending of students home? Most probably. The Ministry of Health does not publish such data, and we did not find out either in the Sanepid or in the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

  1. The wave of coronavirus infections in Poland seems to be starting to wane, but the same cannot be said for the quarantine figures
  2. On December 3, the record for Saturday, November 27, was broken
  3. It is also about 150 thousand. more than there were people in quarantine on December 1
  4. The number of quarantines in a given area is a dynamic number that is constantly changing over time – we found out from the sanitary services, but we did not know the mystery of the type of quarantine reasons
  5. Повеќе слични информации може да се најдат на почетната страница на TvoiLokony

Coronavirus in Poland. Record number of people in quarantine

On December 3, another record for the number of people in quarantine was broken. According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 782 were quarantined. 44 people.

  1. Еден милион Полјаци се во жалост. „Ајде да запреме уште еден бран на големо умирање“

The previous record took place on November 27. At that time, 744 were in quarantine. 912 people. These numbers are growing all the time, though not linearly (on November 28 it was 684 516 people, on December 2 – 713 321). In early October, the quarantine covered less than 90. people, a month later this number increased to over 300 thousand. people.

Quarantine bars are very high during the fourth coronavirus wave in Poland. During the second wave, the record was over 504. on the last day of October 2020, while during the third day, when it was over 35 thousand. infections per day, the largest number reported by the Ministry of Health was 481 thousand. (March 27).

Quarantine record. Why so much?

It is not hard to guess that such a large number of people in quarantine is affected by infections in schools. Following procedures after a student has been diagnosed with COVID-19, the entire class and teachers who have had contact are sent to a 10-day quarantine. However, this does not apply to convalescents (up to 180 days after a confirmed test result) and fully vaccinated persons (14 days after the second dose).

  1. Нова мапа на инфекција со COVID-19. Катастрофална ситуација низ цела Европа

It is not known exactly how many students are currently in quarantine, the Ministry of Health does not provide such data. However, during the meeting of the Team for Education, Culture and Sport of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government on November 19, Marzena Machałek, secretary of state in the Ministry of Education and Science, announced that in quarantine and isolation there were then 110 thousand. students. At that time, a total of around 500 people had to stay at home. people. So there is some picture of what part of the students are.

Let us remember that at the earlier waves, schools were closed, teaching took place remotely, so then there was no question of mass quarantine involving school children.

Similar rules apply to schools – theoretically – in workplaces. If an outbreak of infection occurs in the company, colleagues who have had contact with the infected for more than 15 minutes should be sent to quarantine. The decision depends, however, on the employer, and the employer does not always inform the health department about the event.

  1. Дали инфекцијата СОВИД-19 штити од инфекција со Омикрон?

- There are employers who even forbid talking about people with whom the infected person came into contact at work. This is a complete lack of responsibilityi. We need to explain to our superiors why this is so important. Because if the employer conceals from us that the sick person had contact with someone, he will hide these two or three people, but in a moment we may close the entire plant to him. And when he sends these few people to quarantine, the coronavirus will not spread around the plant – Joanna Równiak from the Olsztyn branch of the Sanepid said in an interview with Medonet.

There are currently around 447 active cases of coronavirus in Poland. (these are the estimates of the worldometers website, the health ministry does not provide such data). And the number of people in quarantine is to some extent a derivative of the number of infected.

Quarantine record. A GIS spokesman explains

We asked the spokesman of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate about why so many people are currently in quarantine and what part are children and schoolchildren, and what, for example, travelers coming from abroad. The answer came very quickly, however – it cannot be concealed – it did not explain much to us.

«The increased quarantine rate results mainly from the occurrence of many institutional outbreaks of infections, where even a single infection implies a large number of imposed quarantines»- Szymon Cienki, GIS spokesman, wrote back to us.

We will also not find out in the sanitary department. “We do not have data on the division of the number of quarantines according to their type” – said the spokesman of the Lublin WSEZ.

Source: Chief Sanitary Inspectorate

We also tried to explain in GIS the mystery of such large fluctuations in the number of people in quarantine. On December 3, it was over 780, two days earlier it was over 630. – or 150 thousand. less. What did we find out?

  1. Се повеќе вакцинирани завршуваат во болница. Постојат две главни причини

“The number of quarantines is changing very dynamically due to the different size of the number of infections on different days of the week (much less tests are performed during the weekend)” – the spokesman wrote back to us.

Quarantine – who is applicable?

Луѓето кои имале контакт со лице заразено со коронавирус се ставени во карантин. Потоа, Санепидот им забранува да ја напуштат куќата. На веб-страницата gov.pl читаме дека карантинот се однесува на луѓе кои:

  1. преминете ја границата на Република Полска, која е надворешна граница на ЕУ,
  2. преминете ја границата на Република Полска од Шенген зоната,
  3. have had contact with people infected with coronavirus or live with an infected (isolated) person, but this applies to unvaccinated people
  4. биле упатени на тестирање за COVID-19 од лекар од примарна или ноќна нега.

Quarantine may take 10 to 14 days. From December 1, under the new rules, people arriving from South African countries (Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe) cannot be released from quarantine for 14 days. In turn, for travelers from non-Schengen countries, the quarantine has been extended to 14 days, release from it may occur after a negative PCR test result performed 8 days after crossing the border.

Дали сакате да го тестирате вашиот имунитет COVID-19 по вакцинацијата? Дали сте биле заразени и сакате да го проверите нивото на вашите антитела? Погледнете го пакетот тест за имунитет за COVID-19, кој ќе го извршите во мрежните точки на Diagnostics.

The Ministry of Health advises that police officers can check that people in quarantine remain at their place of residence. The regulations provide for the possibility of imposing a financial penalty of up to PLN 30. PLN on those who do not comply with quarantines.

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