Како да се борите против дебелината кај бебињата?

Fight against obesity: change habits!

In a balanced diet, all food has its place! Early identification accompanied by new behaviors, concerning both diet and lifestyle, is often enough to overcome the problem before it sets in “for good”.

To fight against obesity, the involvement of the whole family is essential! Especially since the family history is not to be neglected: the risk of childhood obesity is multiplied by 3 if one of the parents is obese, by 6 when both are … Moreover, specialists insist on the importance of the family meal in the prevention of obesity. Food education also begins at the family table! Unlike the United States, where children under two already have their parents’ bad eating habits: for example, French fries are on the menu every day for 9% of babies aged 9 to 11 months and 21% of 19- 24 months. An example not to be followed …

Good anti-weight reflexes

The solutions to prevent weight gain are simple and common sense: structured and balanced meals, varied menus, slow chewing, monitoring the food consumed, awareness of the composition of food. While taking into account the tastes of the child, but without giving in to all his desires! Parents and grandparents must also learn to give up the “reward candy” as a sign of love or comfort. And that, without feeling guilty!

Last little effort: физичка активност. 20 or 25 minutes per day are devoted to moderate to rigorous physical activity. However, before the age of three, and according to the recommendations in force, most children should have at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day… Read our article on baby-sport

Cycling, running, playing in the garden, in short, getting into the habit of moving rather than “cocooning” …

“Together, let’s prevent childhood obesity”

Launched in January 2004, this campaign (Epode) concerns ten cities in France, ten years after the pilot experiment started (and successful!) In 1992 in the city of Fleurbaix-Laventie. Objective: to eliminate childhood obesity in 5 years, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS). Secret of success: involvement in schools and town halls. With, on the program: children weighed and measured every year, discovery of new foods, playgrounds fitted out to promote physical activity, spinach and fish always on the menu with a little nutritional explanation, highlighting each month of a preferably seasonal and locally sourced food. If the experiences are conclusive, the Epode campaign will be extended to other cities in 2009.

React is urgent!

Not taken in time, this overweight is likely to worsen and become a real handicap whose consequences on health will not be long in coming: social difficulties (the sometimes terrible comments from playtime friends), orthopedic problems (flat feet, frequent sprains…), and later, respiratory (asthma, night sweats, snoring…), blood pressure, but above all diabetes, cardiovascular diseases,…. Not to mention that obesity leads to a marked decrease in life expectancy, all the more so as the weight problem is important and occurs early …

So it’s up to us, adults, to restore with our little ones a certain serenity with regard to food to guarantee them an “iron” health and a savoir-vivre essential to well-being. Because that is for life!

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