Брадавици кај децата: како да се ослободите од нив?

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Warts are caused by viruses of the papillomavirus family (of which more than 70 forms have been identified!). They come in the form of small израстоци на кожата that grow on the hands and fingers (in this case, they are called common warts) or under the soles of the feet. These are the famous plantar warts that all mothers of little swimmers know well!

Without really knowing why, children are more prone to contamination than adults. A stroke of fatigue, irritated or cracked skin… and the virus penetrates the child’s skin.

Anti-wart remedy: a treatment that works

Treatments for warts vary in effectiveness and offer little guarantee against recurrence. Also, the првиот гест препорачано од дерматолог is it often… autosuggestion. Have your child soak the wart in a glass of water with a “medicine” added (understand, a pinch of sugar!)… And there is a good chance that it will heal spontaneously after a few weeks! Miracle? No ! A healing that simply corresponds to thevirus elimination by his immune system.

If the warts persist, there are all kinds of preparations based on collodion or salicylic acid (a “cousin” of aspirin) to apply to the stratum corneum.

Cryotherapy (cold treatment) destroys the wart by “freezing” it with an application of liquid nitrogen. But these treatments are more or less painful and are not always supported by children. As for the laser, it is not recommended for children because it leaves wounds that take a long time to heal.

Што е со хомеопатијата?

There are tablets composed of the three remedies most often prescribed in homeopathy (thuya, antimonium crudum and nitricum). This one-month treatment is painless and treats several warts at the same time.

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